Monday, October 14, 2019

Madness and Then

Oh what madness hides within
Lives full of hatred, hearts full of sin
This is a dark world we’re living in
Destroyed by evil again and again

 Always the dark side winning the game
Hearts always crying, choked with the pain
Never any sunshine forever to rain
Driven from the Garden of Eden and then

 Hearts full of misery Minds lost in torment
Life is a mystery God has no comment
We’ve been abandoned to battle alone
Satan is knocking and you’re on your own

 Who do you turn to who can you trust
The world’s full of evil lost in its lust
Gold and silver all turning to rust
Soon, mankind will vanish back to the dust

 What will the earth do left without man
It will rest and renew itself, as when time began
Beauty and harmony restored in the end
What was the evil here? The ego of men.


D.Rennich    I.M.Forever   3-24-1993